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The Licensing Guys

  /  Uncategorized   /  Colcombe House New Premises Licence

Colcombe House New Premises Licence

The Licensing Guys were delighted to be approached by Kier at Colcombe House Cider in Hereford to obtain a licence for his premises, we acted immediately by attending site and measuring up the premises alongside the proposed areas that alcohol would be sold or consumed.
With some great ideas in the pipeline we discussed tasting events that will help maximise sales and brand awareness.
With the plans professionally drawn by our planning team we submitted the application to Herefordshire Council along side some Temporary Event Notices to enable Kier to start selling his products online. We provided all the relevant compliance paperwork that is needed for both a on and off sales.
We visited site again to place the Blue notices ensuring that these were placed in the correct position, and here we are at the end of the consultation period and Kier has his new Premises Licence which enables him to open to sell onsite and online alongside the ability to hold tasting events at the location.
Visit them here

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