The Licensing Guys provide Planning Advice, & Application & Representation Services
Whatever form of licensing your business requires, The Licensing Guys are the ‘turnkey solution provider’ for your Planning requirements. We will take all the hassle out of the paperwork and also ensure you are updated on the necessary requirements at the same time. With an enviable record of success in all forms of applications and Planning Committee hearings, The Licensing Guys should be your first choice every time. Call or email us today to discuss your needs.
Deb Molony heads up The Licensing Guys planning team
In the UK, the licensing and planning systems operate independently, involving consideration of different, albeit related, matters.
However, several applicants come to us EVERY WEEK with Planning issues that impact upon their Licensing aspirations. The most common of these is that their current Planning Permission does not let them operate their business in the way that they want to branch into.

“When I wanted to open a Convenience Store in Southampton, I went to The Licensing Guys for our new Premises Licence and our Compliance work. At the time I had to go to India to see a sick relative. When I came back it was all done and we could open immediately. Although there were many obstacles from local residents, The Licensing Guys overcame them all with no difficulties at the Hearing. We are now trading – and busy with new customers. I completely recommend The Licensing Guys for their complete and efficient service.”
Anu Kaur – Southampton
We will ALWAYS give you an honest appraisal of your prospects, and act in your best interests to defend your position and endeavour to keep you “keep you trading, safe and legal”.
Types of Planning Permission
The most common types of Planning permission we encounter at the Licensing Guys are:
For example: Customers come to us wanting to convert a Shop into a Takeaway or a Restaurant into a Bar.
Sometimes our customers find that their Planning Permission only allows them to stay open until 22:00hrs at night, yet they now want to provide a 24hrs Convenience with Off-Licence facility.
In these circumstances, the customer will need to apply for a change of use or a change in condition(s) regarding their Planning Permission.
With an enviable record of success in all forms of applications and Planning Committee hearings, The Licensing Guys should be your first choice every time. Call or email us today to discuss your needs.
Here at The Licensing Guys, we have teamed up with partners who know all about Planning Permissions and how to change them. So far, we have successfully obtained Planning Permissions for:
So, if you want advice, simply call us. Planning & Licensing issues are far too important to rely on what somebody told you down the Pub. The web is full of conflicting advice too. Just call us – our advice is always free! We will provide an obligation-free quotation on what it will cost you to alter your Planning Permission / Permitted Uses.