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The TLG Blog

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Fire risk assessments are a crucial component of ensuring safety in any premises, especially those licensed to sell alcohol. These assessments are mandated by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which applies to all non-domestic premises in England and Wales. The primary goal is to identify potential fire hazards, evaluate the risks, and implement measures

Success in Barnsley Congratulations to Gowtham Raja and Angel who today received their third premises licence through The Licensing Guys - this time for alcohol deliveries to complement their extensive fast food menu. Mine’s a Peroni with my Pizza, please! Restaurant or Takeaway? Call us on 01432 700024

The Planning Group Ltd (TPGL) work closely with The Licensing Guys and are their recommended Planning Consultants.   We advise them and their clients in relation to proposed and existing hospitality/retail businesses which include restaurants, hot food takeaways, convenience stores, public houses, wine bars, nightclubs and supermarkets. Our commissions have ranged from obtaining planning consents for changes of

It would be remiss of us if we did not write to thank the 200 of you, our customers, who have taken the time to give us a Google Review.  We also feature well on Trust Pilot and Facebook Reviews, but for those of you who understand the internet, it’s the Google Reviews that we are

Have you received representations to your premises licence application? Several years ago, Objectors (aka Representors) would have to physically write in to complain.  Councils have since adopted a habit of publishing an email address to which to send these objections which could be a factor, along with the lack of any warning to the Representor that they

The Licensing Guys have written several new Premises Licences for Music Festivals in time for this summer season, and only today another new client has placed the securing of a new Premises Licence with us. The Licensing Guys love the summer in general and summer music festivals in particular.  Indeed we even help in providing on site