24 Hour Premises Licences
Many Convenience Stores have been contacting us throughout the past year, asking for Variations to take their businesses on to becoming 24-hour operations. It can be tricky to get a 24-hour licence when applying for a brand-new business, as there is no history of operating successfully between 08:00 and 23:00hrs already. However, if you have a good business that has been operating and creating no problems for the Police, Council or Local Community, then there is every chance that we can get you 24-hour opening – although some Councils like to see you selling to the public only through a night hatch between 00:00 and 05:00hrs so as to reduce the likelihood of robberies etc – much like many petrol stations. We have obtained many 24-Hour Licences in 2022.
If you would like to extend your hours to 24 hours opening every day, then please book a free 15-minute consultation via the ‘calendly’ but on our website.