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Types of SIA Licence

  /    /  Types of SIA Licence
Licence Type Role
Any person who manages or supervises employees of a security provider where such employees perform designated activities for the purposes of or in connection with any contract to a consumer (see page 15)  


Non-front line



Any person who manages and supervises agency workers who are instructed to carry out designated activities (see page 15)  

Non-front line


Directors or partners of a company/firm when any other of the directors, partners or employees of that company/firm perform licensable conduct.




Non-front line



Any person that employs door supervisors or vehicle immobilisers.



Non-front line


Any person (whether an employee, or the director of a company, or the partner of a firm) that performs door supervision or vehicle immobilisation.



Front line

(referred to as ‘in house’)


Persons who are employed to manage or supervise door supervisors or vehicle immobilisers.




Non-front line

(referred to as ‘in house’)