☝️ If you act as a manager or supervisor of an individual, where that individual is required to carry out designated licensable activities for the purposes of or in connection with a contract for the supply of services, then you will require a licence even if you an employee of the customer of the services. NB This means that a manager of a premises owned by a chain will need a licence, even though the chain has contracted the door supervisors in their own right.
☝️ If you merely give directions to a licensable individual on the customer’s behalf are not considered a manager or supervisor of that person. In addition, if you are engaged by the firm providing the security services, to give directions only, you are not required to be licensed. NB Please note the distinction between giving someone a direction e.g. “Please cover the front door etc” is not the same as managing and supervising them, as the latter requires a greater level of control.
✍️ SIA Door Supervisors are required to display their Licence, which is usually kept securely in a clear pouch on their left arm. Their Licence bears their photograph and Licence Number. Please periodically check them, as it has been found on rare occasions that Door Supervisors will lend them out to their friends, and sometimes allow them to expire. It is your responsibility to ensure that their SIA Licences are correct, in date, and properly displayed when they work at your premises.
✍️ Many Premises Licences contain a condition that the identities of SIA Door Supervisors and their hours of work at your premises are formally recorded. Check to see what it says in Part A of your Licence!
✅ You can download a templated SIA Door Supervisor Log from the TLG Vault for free.
Further SIA information can be found at www.sia.homeoffice.gov.uk