ALL permanently Licensed Premises are issued with a Premises Licence by the local Council which covers the area where they are geographically located. The Premises Licence comes in two separate parts, although they look very similar when they arrive in the post.
Part A:
This should be kept safe ON the Premises, along with the Premises Plan which shows the layout of the precise area that is licensed, at all times. They are very important documents and should be preserved carefully. Ideally you should keep them under lock and key in your office.
Part A contains the Licence Conditions that tell you exactly what you can and can’t do in your Premises. Therefore, it is essential that you know and understand exactly what Part A contains.
However, if you lock it away (i.e. out of sight is out of mind) you will forget over time what it says, exactly. Also, how can you expect your managers and staff to know what is legally expected of them if you do not show them precisely where your Premises Licence is and exactly what it contains?
✍️ Take a photocopy of the Premises Licence and laminate it. Then return the original Part A back to your safe. You can use the laminated (and waterproofed!) copy of Part A to act as a reference document and as a training aid for your staff.
☝️ Here at TLG we believe that ‘Every day’s a training day’. So, teach or remind your staff of something small every day. TLG train a lot of people in Licensing, and therefore know that staff are only as good as the last training they received. So: When did you last train your staff? Train them informally a little bit, every week, to keep their knowledge up to spec.
Part B:
This is the two-page Summary of the Licence, which you should pin up on public display behind your bar or counter, ideally showing each page separately.
✍️ Why not laminate the Part B Summary to preserve it in tip-top condition?
✍️ Task: Find your own Premises Licence and inspect it very carefully.
- Is the name of the Premises still correct?
- Is the name of the Premises Licence Holder still correct?
- Is the name of the Designated Premises Supervisor still correct?
- NB ONLY, BUT ALL, Premises that sell Alcohol need a DPS.
Remember, it is an offence to sell alcohol if you do not have a Designated Premises Supervisor in place.
- If the old DPS has left and you haven’t updated your Premises Licence, you cannot sell alcohol and if you do so, you are committing an offence.
✍️ Next, check that everything that you’re currently doing is actually permitted in your Premises Licence. Pay particular attention to your operating times. Remember, it is an offence to conduct licensable activities outside the terms of your Premises Licence.
Here at The Licensing Guys, we have a few mottos – our favourite being…
In Licensing Trouble? Better Call Paul!
Our advice is always free.