TONI & GUY bring bubbles to their customers
This month, The Licensing Guys ™ have been working with the Head of Customer Experience at Toni&Guy with a project around obtaining premises licences on some of their outlets around the UK.
Many hairdressers do offer alcohol as part of their services e.g. pamper-day experiences, pre-wedding service and Race Day preparation events. However, many salon owners do not realise that the legislation covers both the sale and supply of alcohol – and therefore you need an Alcohol Licence – as the price of the alcohol is baked into the cost of the service. Selling or supplying alcohol without a Licence is actually a criminal offence.
The Licensing Guys ™ have a long and successful record in obtaining Premises Licences for numerous salons around the UK, including the award-winning Live True London in Westminster. It is a complete pleasure to be working with Toni&Guy and our first application for them is submitted and progress in their Horsham outlet.
So, if you are a salon-owner and would like to include (for example) a few glasses of prosecco in your offer to your customers, we offer a free consultation service. Simply book a slot with us using our ‘calendly’ system on our website here: www.thelicensingguys.com