Summer is Here
Here at the TLG office we’re hoping you’re all enjoying this wonderful weather, as we battle to obtain the best and most adaptive Premises Licences that you need to grow your businesses. The weather provides massive opportunities for increased sales through maximizing the use of your beer gardens and outside bars, and for off-sales and home deliveries to barbeques up and down the UK.
The ability to telephone an order for home delivery of food and drink for a party already in full swing is always useful, and operators who can fulfill that order just need to ensure that (at point of delivery) they don’t supply alcohol to anyone who is already drunk and perform Challenge 25 if required, noting the ID produced in the process.
Please call us if you think we can help you capitalize on your profits during the summer – and remember to book a free fifteen-minute advice session with us via calendly on our website: www.thelicensingguys.com