Now, let’s get this out there from the start: There may be other standards out there e.g. Challenge 18, 21 and 25. Technically the Policy is set for your County by the Trading Standards of the Council where your premises are situated.
But here at The Licensing Guys we only do one – Challenge 25.
Why? Because it is clear, unambiguous and if properly implemented will ‘keep you legal and trading’, all day and every day. It’s what we do!
So: If you are a member of the TLG Vault, all the materials you download from there concerning Age Verification will refer to Challenge 25.
Age Verification Policy for Alcohol Sales – Mandatory Condition:
☝️ Remember – ‘mandatory’ means ‘must do’.
It is a Mandatory Condition on all Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates, that the holders of same will ensure that an Age Verification Policy applies to the premises in relation to the sale or supply of alcohol.
Therefore, it is the Premises Licence Holder’s responsibility to ensure that there is an Age Verification Policy in place.
✅ You can download a templated Age Verification Policy for free from the TLG Vault.
That said, it is the Designated Premises Supervisor’s responsibility to ensure that this Age Verification Policy is put in place and ‘happens’.
☝️ Remind yourself: Are you the Premises Licence Holder for your premises, or the Designated Premises Supervisor for your premises, or maybe both? Look on your Premises Licence on either Part A or Part B – it says who does what right there!
All this means that procedures must be established, and put into action, so that customers who appear to be under 25 will be asked to produce certain acceptable forms of identification to establish their age to be over 18.