When did you last check your Alcohol Licence?
More and more people are coming to The Licensing Guys following Premises Licence Checks conducted by the Police and Council. Failure to operate in accordance with the Conditions on your Licence is always serious, as it is a criminal offence AND you may end up having the Alcohol Licence taken off you. So, you need to check you are complying with the letter of your permissions.
Is your staff training up to date and have you training records?
Is your CCTV working correctly, storing at least 28 days of footage, and are your system checks recorded properly?
Have you got an Incident Book in the premises?
Have you got a Refusals Register to hand?
Are your Challenge 25 posters correctly displayed?
Here at The Licensing Guys, we have no purpose other than to ‘Keep you Legal and Trading’. If you need any training, documentation or other advice, call us now! Our advice is always free 😊