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The Licensing Guys

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Preparing to Reopen after COVID-19

Nobody is under any illusions that this is going to be a tough challenge for many operators – none more so than The Licensing Guys. Paul has thirty years’ experience in running pubs, clubs and restaurants, so we are acutely aware of the implications of implementing the new Govt Guidance, which you will find here…

This guidance does not supersede any legal obligations relating to health and safety, entertainment licensing and regulations, employment or equalities and it is important that as a business or an employer you continue to comply with your existing obligations, including those relating to individuals with protected characteristics. It contains non-statutory guidance to take into account when complying with these existing obligations. When considering how to apply this guidance, take into account agency workers, contractors and other people, as well as your employees.

To help you decide which actions to take, you must carry out an appropriate COVID-19 risk assessment, just as you would for other health and safety related hazards. This risk assessment must be done in consultation with unions or workers.

The Guidance is ONLY Guidance and NOT Regulations or Law. It poses as many questions as it provides answers. For example: ‘Operators will have to ensure round the clock cleaning of their facilities.’

What does that mean, exactly? Who will ensure that it is going on? What will happen to Operators if they don’t? Nobody seems to know for certain yet. But – we have to start somewhere, and this is where to start…

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