Big Friend of The Licensing Guys, CAMRA’s Mark Haslam has been involved with supporting pubs for a long time. Back in 2010 he was awarded the prestigious ‘Campaigner of the Year Award’ from CAMRA. Now he has been awarded it again for 2020, making him the first person ever to have won it twice! Mark has been
Colcombe House New Premises Licence
The Licensing Guys were delighted to be approached by Kier at Colcombe House Cider in Hereford to obtain a licence for his premises, we acted immediately by attending site and measuring up the premises alongside the proposed areas that alcohol would be sold or consumed. With some great ideas in the pipeline we discussed tasting events that
Small business emergency action plan
SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN Not all businesses are going to survive the next three months. If your customers are in isolation and cannot get to you or you cannot deliver or they cannot pay you, there is the reality of reduced or no sales for the next three or so months and even beyond if the
Business Advice During Covid-19
The Business Rates Holiday * Applicable to the 2020-21 tax year – if you have already received your bill but are eligible this will be corrected. * You will be eligible if you are based in England and is in the retail, hospitality or leisure sector. Incidentally: This scheme has also been extended to nursery businesses where they are; * Occupied
The Secret of Getting your Cider to Market
Getting a Premises Licence will transform your business and make it a highly profitable retail, telesales and internet outlet store. But applying for an ‘On’ or ‘Off’ Premises Licence can be a minefield, and it’s easy to get it wrong or fail to maximise your commercial opportunities. If you breach your licence conditions, you could also